A familiar accessory to anyone who has been around a police car is the snazzy dome light used in place of the vehicle's stock light. It is known by many names... sun, ticket light, cop dome light, work light, etc. The latest ones are LED and have both red and white lights. But Vic 3.0 has the old clear-bulb version. Wellp, somehow a crack had developed in the light's white plastic cover. Earlier this month, I tried to push the crack in a bit, to make it look better, and instead I ended up with an actual hole.
Such a flaw is not tolerable.
So online I went, expecting to find tons of those plastic covers on Ebay. I was surprised NOT to find many at all! A few listings were what looked like cheap bulk lots. I did manage to find a seller with NOS GM-bagged ones. So they got my money, and I got the part.
While trying to pry the old cover off, it basically disintegrated in my hand. On went the new one, and now things look a bit nicer.
If YOU need to replace your dome cover, do a search for either "Signal Stat 77-570" or GM part number 10160922. More digging will probably turn up a Ford part number as well.