Tomorrow is the first day of winter, and we have already had a decent amount of snow in the Boston area. It looks like a lot of it will be melted before Christmas, but that won't help my rusty fenders any...
Crummy pic of chewed hose |
Last week while helping someone shift around his AMC collection, we found out that the hose that carries wiper fluid from the tank to the sprayer was in 2 peices. It looked like something actually chewed it! There has been a rat problem in our area for a while, so this made me want to kill the stupid things even more than before. The next morning was supposed to get snowy, so that meant I had a small window of time to do the repair. My boyfriend picked up some used hose from Taxi Guy and I knew what I would be doing the next morning.
What Todd thought would take a half hour took me 2 hours with freezing hands and feet, and the loosening and tightening of many bolts. But finally the job was done and just in time, as it has snowed a couple of times since.
I also have to think about changing out 2 of my Goodyear snow tires. Two are fine, but two are older and are showing cracks. Todd gave me some more generic snows last year, and I think I may have to put them on for safety sake.