
Friday, January 1, 2016

... and Crown Vics Were There!

... LOTS of them.  And SILVER ones, too!!  Thing is... what is all that stuff sitting on them??  Don't they know that's how you SCRATCH PAINT??

Oh, the threat ended up being a hoax... AFTER the damage was done...

End of an Era: Nells Vic 1.0 RETIRED

Wellp, welcome to a new year.  I won't go into how crappy 2015 was, and my feelings about what 2016 will be like (HINT:  Crappier.)

Instead, I will FINALLY update the blog with something I have been putting off for months.

As visitors to the main site may already know, Vic has been retired, and will furthermore be referred to as Vic 1.0.

What started on April 6, 2000 ended on July 20, 2015.  On that day, I gained ownership of my boyfriend's 2006 P71 Crown Vic.  Plates were swapped, and suddenly I was driving a blue car instead of a gray one.  You can read a bit more about the change HERE.  

Being a new year with a new/used car, I shall begin with the traditional mileage count, which can now include the car's idle hours:

Vic 2.0 was a Ford demo, and never saw police duty.  So most of those hours were from us railfanning, or from Todd sitting in a cold/hot parking garage trying to eat his lunch.  

One thing that even I can't get over, is the fact that neither myself or Todd has snow tires on yet!  It has been a very mild autumn, and our first bit of snow arrived on 12/29/15.  For some reason, we just keep putting the tire swaps off...

Vic 2.0 at Sleepy Hollow, Concord MA (11/18/15)

Todd is now driving a 2013 Ford Interceptor Sedan, also known as a Taurus police car.  It is the AWD V6 version, non-turbo.  He seems to like it a lot.  I'd like some carpet and a fabric rear seat, but so far it has been ok.  It is rather peppy.  It has grown on him more than on me...

2013 PI goes railfanning (9/5/15)